
Rick from N.J. had Malcolm blend the Mini-Merk and Octafish into a new hybrid of rippage.
Space Madness!

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  • Rick
    January 27, 2010

    That looks un-freakin believable!!!! I’m speechless. Peter’s is truly one of the greatest surf artists and I’m so stoked to finally own one of his cosmic sprays. JP, by posting that you have now made the next 30 days of my life pure TORTURE until I get out there to pick it up!!!

  • Anonymous
    January 27, 2010

    By far the most gorgeous, and functional looking board I have seen in a while, congrats Rick!

  • Kyle from NJ
    January 27, 2010

    Can I ride that thing, beautiful looking board.

  • Alan_M
    January 27, 2010

    straight up awesome!

  • Anonymous
    January 27, 2010

    imperial galactic starcruiser….

  • Wavetribe.com
    January 27, 2010

    Tempting surf-boats! Damn sure that the creator is an artist with great thought. Wonder if they are ecofriendly ones. If yes, what else can we expect!


  • Anonymous
    January 27, 2010

    looking at that board is almost as nice as today’s Daily Donkey post!

  • Erik Hakon Olson (EHO)
    January 28, 2010

    Ye-ow! Really nice.

  • e.
    January 28, 2010


  • Surfy Surfy!
    January 29, 2010

    By the way Rick, half the point of the mini-merk was a board that was more production friendly than the octafish. Way to make us work hard man.

  • Rick
    January 29, 2010

    And here I thought you had some magic little Moon-elves to sand around those e-wings. I guess I better paint up a few more kelp fins to make it up to you.

  • Rick
    February 12, 2010

    14 more days and I’ll be there to pick this baby up!!!!

  • Rick
    February 17, 2010

    9 days and counting…

  • Rick
    February 18, 2010

    8 days left and I can feel the surfy surfy vibes getting closer…

  • Rick
    February 19, 2010

    7 days from now I will be camped out in front of Moonbase at the crack of dawn impatiently waiting for the doors to open, the seas to part and my beautiful new Octa-Merk to draw me in like the tractor beam of the visitors mothership…

  • Surfy Surfy!
    February 19, 2010

    Rick you are too classic.

  • Rick
    February 20, 2010

    And on the 6th day Peter clasped his gleaming red and silver Paasche VL airbrush, raised it over his head and proclaimed, “Let there be Octa-Merk!” Bright streams of paint sprayed from his silver weapon of surfy, planets, moons and stars appeared, the sun warmed the night sky and before the eyes of all who could behold there was Octa-Merk. And it was good. And the surfy minions rejoiced for Peter had given them the gift of surfy.

  • Rick
    February 21, 2010

    In the darkest depths of the Moonbase, hidden in the resin stalactites of the dust coated caves and canyons and beyond the reaches of moonkitty there lurks an enigma more elusive that the great giant squid, the lock ness monster, the Jersey devil, or even the Moon Frog. It is called the Octa-Merk. This curious creature lingers silent and motionless formulating its strategy to emerge from its lair spread its e-wings, release its four sharp bamboo talons and rise to stake its claim over the royal surfy throne. For 30 days it has waited for the moment when it can release the surfy, slash the cutty, spread the rippage and shred the knar. In only 5 more days its time to rule the surfy will come.

  • Rick
    February 22, 2010

    In 4 days JP will no longer be able to taunt me with threats of deflowering my sweet surfy toluene diisocyanate polyester and methyl ethyl ketone peroxide catalyzed styrene based unsaturated polyurethane effigy in the harsh and tumultuous waters of the Pacific before I have the opportunity to caress the supple rails and embrace her in my arms. I will be there soon to save you from his surfy clutches my dearest Octa-Merk and deliver you to your safe refuge in the Atlantic.

  • Rick
    February 23, 2010

    3 more days remaining, but Mother Nature has formulated a plot to prevent me from uniting with my surfy Octa-Merk soul mate. Snow is forecasted for Thursday potentially delaying my flight to the golden state. It is 2784 miles to San Marcos, CA. At an average speed of 65 miles per hour I could drive there in approximately 42 hours and 48 minutes without sleep. Figuring an additional 3 hours for gas and bathroom breaks I could potentially arrive at Moonlight in about 46 hours. Hmmmm… tempting.

  • Rick
    February 24, 2010

    2 days left and a blizzard forecasted to intensify at the exact time my flight is scheduled to depart tomorrow… figures.

  • Rick
    February 25, 2010

    The blizzard has triumphed. Launch has been delayed. Countdown reset to 7 days…