Major Announcement in Surfy Surfy Land at Sacred Craft

Visit the Surfy Surfy booth at Sacred Craft this weekend for a major announcement in the Surfy Surfy universe. It’s going to be a good thing and it’s all for you. You can’t repel stoke of this magnitude.

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  • e.
    October 9, 2009

    Will you make an announcement here afterward? For those of us who can’t make it?

  • Anonymous
    October 9, 2009

    …free cookies for everyone, right?….and chocolate milk…

  • Sean
    October 9, 2009

    Free Bonzers for all?

  • Anonymous
    October 9, 2009

    J.P. is running for mayor!

  • Anonymous
    October 9, 2009

    JP is going to trash his groovy I-Phone?

  • Maggie
    October 10, 2009

    holla!!!! 🙂