Korduroy.tv: Old Board Fix Up

Check out this short movie that Cyrus Sutton shot at the shop of me cleaning up Jon Pankopf’s 1992 magic GH semi-gun.
*note the carbon fiber strip down the stringer, the carbon fiber/foam combo glass-on fins and late 80’s transition logos.
I hope this gets you stoked to pull a crusty board out of the garage and breathe new life into it.
Watch more bitchin’ vids at Korduroy.tv

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  • Lamont
    October 21, 2009

    Skinny Dave there at the end…nice!

  • moon mom
    October 21, 2009

    That was awesome !

  • peacefrog
    October 21, 2009

    Hell yes. I don’t get bummed on dings at all anymore. Just an excuse to drink beer in the garage and do man shit with resin and sand paper.

    Very nice vid Cyrus and gang.

  • Who's Your Daddy
    October 21, 2009

    I approve of this video! Excelent work JP!

  • Anonymous
    October 21, 2009

    great vid. what about those pesky pressure dings I get on the bottom of my boards? they’re water tight, but should I fill them in with something?

  • Steve
    October 22, 2009

    Great video! Compressed a month’s worth of learning into three minutes.