Wellness to the institution of awesomeness

Kevin Arnold, part of the Mollusk Surf Shop crew, gliding upon his Danny Hess quad powered with bamboo 101 fins. Having some transcendental fun in Mexico. Make that, having uber fun engaging with green walls galore.

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  • Edward Sterrett
    June 14, 2009

    gnar-biscuits and gravity

  • Anonymous
    June 16, 2009

    Kevin Arnold from the Wonder Years?

  • l'emissaire de la trou de cul
    June 16, 2009

    no, kevin arnold from the year of plentiful nose chakras, aka the yeti hath cometh and the chuppacabra is in heat

  • Oakland Gila Monster
    June 16, 2009

    man, will you be my mystical spiritual brainwave guide? I want to learn to surf the wild brainwaves of anarchistic toucans..

  • Anonymous
    June 17, 2009

    duuuuuuddeeee, I had the sickest day ever at the point of doom do fast plants off the rocks, and almost getting fully slawed, latraonic!

  • SWoBs
    July 16, 2009


  • SWoBs
    July 16, 2009

    who are you creatures…