Vote for Knox

I don’t blame you for not caring about pro surfing, but if do Surfy Surfy is endorsing a vote for Taylor Knox to surf in the US Open in July.
Click here to vote:
(you have to scroll through the box of surfers to find Taylor)

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  • Anonymous
    June 3, 2009

    Fred Patacchia has over 6000 votes!

  • Festus P.
    June 3, 2009

    Maybe after TK learns to flick out his tail and do chop hops …

  • Anonymous
    June 3, 2009

    To Taylor,
    Back on the bonzers amigo.
    They suit you!

  • Anonymous
    June 3, 2009

    I’ll vote IF he rides a proper bonzer and not one of the half-assed clones his sponsor makes and claims!

  • Anonymous
    June 5, 2009

    He is like 200 votes shy of being in it. VOTE>