New Millennium Skate Grom

Friend of Surfy Surfy Bob Tanner has posted this great video of his 4 year old skateboarding. This is in sharp contrast to the helicopter mom I witnessed at the park last week who wouldn’t let her toddler go down the slide. “Be careful! Be careful! Be careful!”

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  • Anonymous
    May 12, 2009

    loved the video

    what a cool kid

  • Festus Porkmeyer
    May 13, 2009

    Incredible! But be careful, Tanner Jr.!

    Helicopter dad hasn’t even figured out if just-turned-4 Porky Jr. is regular- or goofyfoot. Please, God, don’t let it be the latter …

  • Anonymous
    May 13, 2009

    man, that stokes me right there for sure. and good parenting too. encourage them young to find their talent.

  • Jamie Watson
    May 13, 2009

    And he plays the drums!? C’mon, how much cuteness can one person take?

  • Anonymous
    May 13, 2009

    Thanks for all the kind words, guys, MUCH appreciated!

    Bryce started skating when he was 2.5, and discovered it all on his own……I’m NOT a skater – just a surfer that’s always had a skateboard laying around.

    His mom and I LOVE the fact that I’m not a skater – for us, it only reinforces that Bryce is truly following HIS passion, and not ‘trying to be just like Dad’ (and at 4 years old, he’s better than I EVER was!).

    Having a non-skating Dad does give him ONE distinct advantage, though……..a built-in filmer/photographer!

    Thanks again, and I hope everyone is getting in the water.

    Tanner Sr. 🙂

  • Kid Miller
    May 13, 2009

    Being an old, frustrated skater and drummer – he is my idol. Dogtown boards and DW drums!

  • Ian R.
    May 14, 2009

    I grew up surfing and skating with Gabe Ryan, bought my first surfboard and skateboard from his dad’s shop, Just Boards, he is a great skater and guy.

    Your kid is killing it! Go Bryce.

  • Festus P.
    May 14, 2009

    By age 6, Bryce will be ollieing over O.B. spangers’ legs coming out of doorways.