Curse of the SURFER shirt

Recently I subscribed to both Surfer and Surfing magazines for only $27. Part of the deal was a free Surfer t-shirt which arrived in the mail last week. Well, ever since this shirt arrived a serious of unfortunate events have been happening to me. My poor kitty Buddy (pictured) has been missing for 7 days. He disappeared shortly after this photo was taken. All kinds of bad things have been happening to me lately that I don’t even want to get into. I blame it all on the arrival of this low quality Surfer magazine t-shirt which doesn’t even fit me.
Real shirts for real people

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  • clayfin
    April 7, 2009

    Hope your luck turns around and that Buddy comes home soon.

  • rob70
    April 7, 2009

    You should probably put some shoes on before you step on a nail.

  • Anonymous
    April 7, 2009

    Burn it!

  • tim
    April 7, 2009

    Are you sure the shirt doesn’t read “SUFFER”…?

    I hope your Buddy returns.
    Me gusto mucho el gatos tambien.

  • Lamont
    April 7, 2009

    Best wishes for Buddy’s safe and speedy return.

    Peace & love.

  • Lamont
    April 7, 2009

    P.S. Try out Surfer’s Path for a year. It’s a great magazine. I subscribe to it and TSJ.


  • Anonymous
    April 7, 2009

    Good luck Buddy…

  • Anonymous
    April 7, 2009

    Last time I saw Surfer’s Path had some cool throw in deals with their sub, much better than a Small 50/50 White T Shirt….Hope Buddy returns happy and healthy.

  • Maggie
    April 7, 2009

    mmm..are the numbers 4 8 15 23 42 on the tag inside the shirt?

    i’ll be looking for little buddy and praying he comes home soon.

  • ras
    April 7, 2009

    of all people you shoulda known better than to order that corporate rubbish for a free rag

  • Barbara
    April 7, 2009

    Visualizing Buddy’s joyous home coming.

  • Hye Tyde
    April 7, 2009

    Pulling for Buddy out here & burn that t shirt

    April 8, 2009

    Bummer dude, You know the only mag worth subscribing to is the Journal. Next time be more cautious.

  • Anonymous
    April 8, 2009

    I agree with Lamont. Surfer’s Path is a great magazine; as good or better than TSJ.

  • Anonymous
    April 8, 2009

    are there any chinese Rest. close by?

  • Antoine
    April 8, 2009

    Sorry to hear about Buddy…my mother-in-law’s cat went missing around the same time and she’s really torn up about it, as are we. Buddy’s in my thoughts. Hope he returns safely. Cheers, A

  • Anonymous
    April 8, 2009

    Use the shirt for cleaning your car or truck wheels. That’s what all my “gift” shirts get used for. May Buddy have a safe and speedy return.

  • gracepark
    April 11, 2009

    Any updates on Buddy?

  • Mauritius Shirt
    December 29, 2012

    Die meisten der Surfer Shirts hier im hohen Preisen zu kommen, habe ich überprüft die Markenartikler setzen ihre Logo-Design auf surfer Shirts und verkaufen sie auf hohe Preise. Es ist schwer zu Hemden in niedrigen Preisen unter dem Budget zu finden.
    Surfer Shirt