Church of Surfy Sunday

My sister made this scale model of the Church of Surfy Surfy. With your donations we are going to build it in time for the end of the world in 2012.

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  • The Justin
    April 5, 2009

    I have the perfect sneakers to go with our departure outfits. Im getting so excited!

  • Anonymous
    April 5, 2009

    Your sister is an amazing inspiration to mankind !

  • Anonymous
    April 5, 2009

    I didn’t know there is a TRI FINS ARE DANGERESS

  • Anonymous
    April 5, 2009

    “As a surfer I find myself to be truly a Libertarian… Republicans and DEMOCRATS make me sick”.-me

  • Anonymous
    April 6, 2009

    I’m a librarian too

  • pranaglider
    April 6, 2009

    OK I get the Hawaiians and surf kitty but the purple dingle balls?

    You got some ‘splaning to do on that one!

  • pranaglider
    April 6, 2009

    Oh but I am ok with the Church-of-Surfy-Surfy, where do I send my tax deductible contributions?

  • tim
    April 6, 2009

    Prepare the Mayan Mothership landing platforms. ^^^

  • Jamie Watson
    April 6, 2009

    Sunday service after surfing, right? I can picture sermons about being patient (there will always be another wave), about accepting those who are different (SUP and mat riders)…Will there be donuts & coffee?

  • Anonymous
    April 6, 2009

    Are there any special underwear or contraceptive requirements at the Church of Surfy Surfy?