I wasn’t going to post any more photos of hippie soul boards but gosh darnnit I love me some single fins and just can’t help myself.
See more of this kind of stuff over at Swallowtail Society.

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  • Anonymous
    March 3, 2009

    SHIT! This thing is FILTH! yeah, dont wanna show tooooo many sweet ass stix like this, you might get waaaaay to much traffic! Bad ASS!

  • Esteban Pumpernickel
    March 3, 2009

    I’ll take it. Of course I will have to pay you in Monopoly money, but it’s about the same as cash right now. Should I pick it up, or should I just assume that it will be delivered to my house within two business days?

    Keep up the good fight!!

  • Le Vyusher
    March 3, 2009


  • Anonymous
    March 4, 2009

    I heard the GLSA banned hulls because they were making all their members go straight.

  • Anonymous
    March 4, 2009


  • Anonymous
    March 4, 2009

    uh…hu hu… you said members

  • Anonymous
    March 4, 2009

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  • Anonymous
    March 4, 2009

    Racist posts always wins em over. Idiot child.