EA Eckerman, Kelp Man
This classy 7’2″ Campbell Brothers Bonzer surfboard got the fine art treatment from EA Eckerman.
This classy 7’2″ Campbell Brothers Bonzer surfboard got the fine art treatment from EA Eckerman.
March 20, 2009Beeuutiful collaboration moon folks.
~sound of clapping~
March 20, 2009best one this years so far
March 20, 2009What beautiful artwork! On EA’s site, I am in love with Indian Summer and Ano Nuevo.
March 21, 2009The bottom of the board is even better…. Ea’s work is stunning, combine it with MC’s and Moonlight’s artistry and I am soooo looking forward to seeing it in the flesh. One very, very happy surfer.
Huge thanks to all that have made it happen.
Jamie Watson
March 23, 2009Hi. It was me who said I was in love with EA’s paintings. My husband Jay doesn’t really talk like that. (-: Accidentally used his account. Glad you added more kelpy surfboards and pics of the man painting. Truly beautiful and refreshing!