Surfy Surfy 2009

Aloha Surfy peeps! Onward and forward into the future. Ignore all the Negative Nellies and Debbie Downers of the world and stay stoked. Sure, these are rough times but we are surfers and good waves are coming our way. Surfy Surfy will be here 7 days a week, 365 days a year with pure surf stokage.

UPDATE: I created a second Surfy Surfy page to host all the Blogger Bro updates and links. Check it out here: Surfy Surfy Blogs and Links and Other Stuffs

Check to see if I have your site or blog linked. If not email me:

Also, I am always expanding my online store. I gots t-shirts, surfboards and fins on there with more junk coming. Surfy Surfy Online Store

Feel free to email me any photos of interest to be posted. Thanks to everyone for keeping the dream alive.

your bestest buddy in the whole world,
JP St Pierre

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  • Anonymous
    January 1, 2009

    That’s reassuring! Post some photos form the party. “The Warriors of Radness” preferred. Go 2009! Tim & Barbara

  • Alexandro
    January 1, 2009

    Happy new year! 😉

  • Mitch
    January 2, 2009

    thanks for always sharing the stoke and keeping all of us connected! go surf!