Lanny’s #1 vs Semi-Truck

Our friend Lance Anderson was horrified when the first board he ever shaped flew off the racks of his car on the freeway and was swiftly crushed by the semi-truck following behind. Harsh.

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  • Jamie Watson
    January 16, 2009

    Awwwww. )-: Truly surf and destroy.

  • Anonymous
    January 16, 2009

    so who won?

  • Anonymous
    January 16, 2009

    Call JJR he’ll be able to fix it LOL J/K Sorry to hear about your misfortune

  • Danimal
    January 16, 2009

    haha. good one Jamie.

    Junior year of high school my buddy took his dad’s 9’4″ fully restored Nuuhiwa noserider,(forest green opaque, it was b-e-a-utiful.) out of the garage without permission. On the way home it flew off the top of the station wagon at 60mph. He forgot to strap it down. : (

    He started crying right then and there.

  • Porky
    January 16, 2009

    If you’re interested, my dad’s the ultimate set of tools; I can fix it.

  • The Rapture
    January 16, 2009

    I sympathize with the owner but thats awesome! looks like a archaeological find. In the year 2324 a Prehistoric log was found under miles of concrete after the 2012 boogie man cam to earth and almost destroyed everything.

  • Randy
    January 16, 2009

    A SurfTech would still be ridable, they are Semi-Truck proof.

  • Anonymous
    January 16, 2009

    My wife was coming back from SD last week and she saw some guy lose his board. I guess he lost 2 and one was toast. Could have been this board. So sad. My room mate in collage said he lost his board from his truck bed only to witness someone grab it and drive off the opposite direction.

  • Anonymous
    January 16, 2009

    My Dad and Ron House worked on a board for a month together, a few weeks after it was finished sun beaten rack straps busted and my dads nice new board was on the freeway. Never fun.

  • kaser_one
    January 16, 2009

    “Call JJR he’ll be able to fix it”

    HA! JJR don’t do green ding repair!

  • banditodepopouts
    January 16, 2009

    if your the real candy french, lets make that test with all the boards in your factory then… It would be a great youtube commercial.

  • Anonymous
    January 16, 2009

    Sorry to hear that.
    Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

  • pushingtide
    January 16, 2009

    Ohh man, a 1st shape too!?

    That is why I never shape nutin’ that don’t fit inside my car.

  • Anonymous
    January 16, 2009

    That’ll buff right out.

  • Anonymous
    January 16, 2009

    A similar thing happened to myself many years ago. Whilst driving between two headlands, I had to go up over high ground, it was very windy and as I reached the top of the pass, I looked in the rearview to see two boards sailing of into the distance, it was quite surreal, both though were in bags and both landed in scrub and bush and both were unharmed – however both have been long since sold. C’est La Vie.

  • Anonymous
    January 17, 2009

    A sage guru told me “always keep your first shape”…


  • Anonymous
    January 17, 2009

    Frame it and put it above the fireplace.

  • Anonymous
    January 17, 2009

    tell that jackass to strap down his shit before he kills somebody, fuckin retard

  • Anonymous
    January 17, 2009

    Since everyone is sharing their own story, I might as well.
    5th grade or so, took my dad’s favorite board for a spin without telling him-Dale Dobson’s personal takayama that he sold to my dad-early 90’s board with hot pink astrodeck. Rather than sticking it in my mom’s van like we usually do, I tried to be cool in front of my friends and put on some soft racks from the garage and stick it up top. board went on ok but instead of hooking the nylon straps around the roof racks I only used the small velcro straps…oops. Board actually stayed on for quite a while which was wierd but around La Costa Ave heading North on the 5 in the fast lane that thing came off did about three full flips twenty feet in the air and I watched the whole thing buckle once it hit the freeway. Man that image still hurts almost 17 years later. Thought my dad was going to yell at me until my ears started bleeding but he was just silent when I told him. Never said a word about it. You know they are really pissed when they don’t even say anything, just the death stare.

  • Deepism
    January 17, 2009

    just the death stare… classic

  • Surfy Surfy!
    January 18, 2009

    Anonymous 7:05 pm, Lanny strapped the board down just fine, the rack itself broke.

  • Anonymous
    January 20, 2009

    Unfortunate loss. One of the reasons my boards ride shotgun.

    Even the 8’6″. The passanger can lay under it or chill in the back. Boo ya!

  • Uncle Syd
    January 20, 2009

    yeah well, if you get in a bad wreck, you’ll wish that shotgun board was up top on the racks. But hey, I don’t listen to my own advice…