airbrush bonzer Trippy Reflectoness By Surfy SurfyDecember 16, 20087 Comments The reflection off this Campbell Brothers Bonzer airbrush had me totally tripping out bros. Surfy Surfy Online Store! 7 Comments Surfy Surfy Posts by Surfy Surfy previouslySelf Realized Goofyfoots up next All Square Leave a Comment Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Δ 7 Comments kaser_one December 16, 2008 I see white people. Reply DialM December 16, 2008 Still can’t get rid of that 6’4″ in the middle, eh? Reply Anonymous December 17, 2008 Settle down DialM. No one’s trying to “get rid” of any of the boards. They’ll each find the right home in due time. -Tukhis Reply pushingtide December 17, 2008 Light vehicles!!! Reply Surfy Surfy! December 17, 2008 Out stock boards either sell in 24 hrs or 3 months, lol. No stress. The economy is pretty funky right now too just in case you haven’t been reading the papers. Reply Anonymous December 17, 2008 stop reading the papers and the listening to the media’s doom and gloom. If you have a job, do your part to spark the recovery by buying a surfboard! Reply not dimensions, but... December 17, 2008 Is that a Pod, or is it just the photo that makes the nose look wide? Looks like a fun ride… Reply
December 16, 2008I see white people.
December 16, 2008Still can’t get rid of that 6’4″ in the middle, eh?
December 17, 2008Settle down DialM. No one’s trying to “get rid” of any of the boards. They’ll each find the right home in due time.
December 17, 2008Light vehicles!!!
Surfy Surfy!
December 17, 2008Out stock boards either sell in 24 hrs or 3 months, lol. No stress. The economy is pretty funky right now too just in case you haven’t been reading the papers.
December 17, 2008stop reading the papers and the listening to the media’s doom and gloom. If you have a job, do your part to spark the recovery by buying a surfboard!
not dimensions, but...
December 17, 2008Is that a Pod, or is it just the photo that makes the nose look wide? Looks like a fun ride…