6’0″ Chris Christenson 3 fin with bamboo side fins, custom for Brian. Wetsand gloss finish for speeeeeed.

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  • Anonymous
    October 8, 2008

    Looks fast ….faster than C bonzer..

  • Anonymous
    October 8, 2008

    it wont be. cc is waaaay over-rated, i’m just saying.

  • Anonymous
    October 8, 2008

    MB needs to make some bamboo center fins for boxes for peeps who want wood side runners but not a glassed on center.

    hey anon2, check back in when one of your designs wins Mavs. I’m just sayin’…

  • Anonymous
    October 8, 2008

    hey, this is anonymous 2, I was wrong. Chris’s board did help Greg ‘Balls Of Steel’ Long the win Mavs.

    Also, I just road one for the first time this afternoon, a 5’6″ fish. All I can say is, it rocked.



  • Anonymous
    October 8, 2008

    always blows me away how far up the board those side-runners are. this particular centerfin box seems pretty far up too.

    CC boards have a great rep. his brother EC makes a bunch of insane shapes too.

  • Anonymous
    October 9, 2008

    Over rated. I own pavel, Caro, Campbell and travel everywhere to score surf. His boards are a tad floatier but ride like fine wine. Suck deez nutts buddy. I’m just sayin.

  • maggie
    October 9, 2008

    beautiful color!

  • mark
    October 9, 2008

    Eddie Van Halen is a better guitar player than Jimmy Page. I’m just saying.

  • Anonymous
    October 9, 2008

    Anonymous sniping is for pussies. I’m just saying.

  • Anonymous
    October 9, 2008

    i am just really glad to be seeing more bonzers posted. i was feeling a venturi deficency gettin hold of me

  • Anonymous
    October 9, 2008

    best airbrush seen in a longtime.

    October 9, 2008

    It’s magic. What size 6’0 but th larger and all, please. My twin christenson fish is excellent, but this CC3 is plaisant with is airebrush and chris do rails very nervous. In march 2009 i will be father but after(so a lot of paiement for the equipement) I do an other board with chris a magic CC3 like that with few variables.

  • Kit
    October 9, 2008

    I’ve been riding a 6’0″ CC 5 fin bonzer and it is my best shortboard in the quiver.

  • Anonymous
    October 10, 2008

    “Anonymous sniping is for pussies. I’m just sayin”

    think before you post, that is if you know how!

  • Anonymous
    October 10, 2008

    I’m just sayin…actually I don’t know what I’m sayin.