Thanks for Visiting our Surfy Sale!

Thanks to everyone who visited our used surfboard sale, we had over 100 people cruise by, it was a lot of fun. We still have a bunch of boards so maybe we will do it again soon. To everyone who bought boards, we hoped you are stoked. Surf deep!

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  • Corduroy Jonz
    August 9, 2008

    dood – I was so there in spirit.

  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2008

    me too there in spirit—-if fact thanks for a cool idea, i think i’ll try andhave one of those back here on the right coast walrus

  • Mitch
    August 10, 2008

    now that is a board sale! what choices…

  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2008

    how were the prices??

  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2008

    Any Connolly”s there or left? Saw u had some in the pic but i’m in North O.C. and couldn’t get there. Been looking for a nice one for awhile but they don’t get this far north it seems. A clean 9’8″-10′ noserider style. Thanks

  • asmith
    August 10, 2008

    Anon- no KC’s at the sale, I did see 3 noosa II’s at surfride in solana- 2 9’6″ and one 9’8″. I don’t really approve of Surfride’s whole mallrat profiteer vibe, but Connelly longboards are something special.

  • Anonymous
    August 11, 2008

    is that bonzer 5 in the last pic still up for grabs?

  • jp
    August 11, 2008

    Yes, that board arrived to the sale late and missed the buying frenzy. Send me an email for info on it