State of Surfy Surfy, mid-summer 2008

 photo by David Pu’u

Hola and Aloha Surfy Surfy peeps,

This is your State of Surfy Surfy Summer 2008 update.

You may noticed I just switched over to a 3 column format. I did this because the righthand link column was getting absurdly long now that all of you have started blogs.

The left column is mostly dedicated to info about the shop that builds the boards shown on Surfy Surfy, Moonlight Glassing. The right column has all the blog links and other junks.

I also added a translation tool, see the flag icons on the right column, for all our international Surfy friends.

The 3 column format does look a little cluttered but it stays for now. I would like the center post photos to be larger, and I’m considering switching over from Blogspot to WordPress.

You may also notice that the Surfy Surfy url has changed from a blogspot address to I finally coughed up the $10 bucks to register my own domain, heh.

I’m working on creating a companion site to Surfy Surfy for those of you who want deeper info on the boards shown and soon I’m going to be taking over the Destination Surf blog (D-Surf is a surf accessories company, board bags, leashes, traction, that my wife’s family owns) so look for the launch of the D-Surf blog in the near future.

Moonlight Glassing should have an official website fairly soon, including an online store. That will be nice for those of you not in the southern California timezone.

If you already e-mailed me and I didn’t get back to you, I apologize, it’s been a crazy summer. Please send me another follow up e-mail (and, as much as I appreciate the free offers of cases of vitamin water, energy drinks and triple blade razors I don’t plan on including any viral corporate marketing on Surfy Surfy-lol).

Thanks for supporting Surfy Surfy for the past 3 years, see ya on the interwebs!

your nerdy blogging pal,
J.P. St. Pierre

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  • blandoland
    July 23, 2008

    thanks for feeding my need

  • Anonymous
    July 23, 2008

    Keep on truckin’ Surfy!!!


  • DK
    July 23, 2008

    Hey buddy! your not my pal buddy!

  • Anonymous
    July 23, 2008

    the dude abides

  • Anonymous
    July 23, 2008

    I love looking at SURFY SURFY first thing every morning and admiring the quality, handcrafted goodness that is displayed for all to see!! I live in the Florida Gulf Coast and I can’t imagine not being able to access the site. I look forward to MOONLIGHT getting their own site as well…they put out some of the best products out there!! I am very pleased with what I have received from them and look forward to future business with them!! Best of luck!!!!!

  • tres_arboles
    July 23, 2008

    As far as I am concerned, Surfy Surfy started the whole surf blog thing for me. Here’s where I found out about all the rest of the surfy blog folks; a place that gave me the energy to revive my own blog after letting it flag for a year. Thanks for everything.

    David, Seattle

  • Lance
    July 23, 2008

    Thanks for feeding my manicured foam addiction day in and day. Always has been a pleasure getting a board from you guys or just plainly talking about boards.

    Keep it rolling!

  • Miles
    July 23, 2008


    takes a real man to rock the B Bjorn and look so stately

    a real poppa to be sure

  • Corduroy Surfboards
    July 24, 2008

    Thankyou from England for all the eye candy

  • J.P.
    July 24, 2008


  • lawless
    July 24, 2008

    Damn, son. Multitask much?

    You probably could still squeeze in coaching a little league team and maybe volunteering at the local “Y”…

    LOL, at the viral marketing. It would almost be amusing to see.

  • moon mom
    July 24, 2008

    Just when you think it can’t get any better,
    it gets better.
    J P is just so amazing !

  • Eric
    July 24, 2008

    Right on, JP.

  • PrettyNoiseLab
    July 24, 2008

    JP, looking forward to the indepth website you are going to come up with. BTW I may be in the same babybjorn mode as you soon 🙂

  • Bob
    July 24, 2008

    I just went and squatted on,, and I look forward my day of reckoning.

    Also looking forward to my new stick you guys are finishing.

  • Seahugger
    July 24, 2008

    Wow JP! Sounds like some exciting changes coming down the line. Keep up the good work.

  • Anonymous
    July 25, 2008

    This blog really has taken off nicely. Well done!

    Will Moondoggie get his own dedicated blog?

  • Jen from Jersey
    July 26, 2008

    a moonbase website is way overdue!
    Best of luck with all new digital endeavors and as always thanks for the shot of stoke surfysurfy gives me with my AM coffee.

    …and keep the baby pics coming too.
    we love to see JM getting so big!

    We’ll you guys this fall on the next intercoastal burrito run!