Shaped Blank

I’m always posting photos of finished Bonzer surfboards, so I thought this time I should show a shaped blank in all it’s fresh shapey goodness.

Shaper-Malcolm Campbell

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  • Anonymous
    July 20, 2008

    peter is posting nudes now! – well it is art so — were diligently involved studing the form with a acute and dicerning eye.

    actually it is a great looking shape dem dims would help to flesh thins out. will there be a before and after posting????? looking forward to seeing the glass work!

    July 20, 2008

    De toute beauté. La pureté des lignes et le travail de la carène laisse reveur

  • Lindell
    July 20, 2008

    Le Chat qui glisse – The Cat that slides.
    That is great!