Slob Job

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  • Chase
    June 29, 2008

    Hey i just wanted to let you know that you have a really neat site. Maybe we can both refer our readers to each other. I will link to you guys in the next few days.

    My website is…

  • Surfy Surfy
    June 30, 2008

    Chase, your web address is actually

  • Anonymous
    June 30, 2008

    the grey outline color really sets off the resin work, or maybe its pale blue, or mayb graphite… whatever it is it really makes hte resin work pop even more…. not that the resin work needed any help. sweet.

  • J.P.
    June 30, 2008

    To trip you out even further, this color work is not done with resin. It’s paint!

  • Whiffleboy
    June 30, 2008

    You guys did something similar to my thruster.

  • JP
    June 30, 2008

    that stringer cut is over the top nuts.
    i am impressed.


  • watersport 4 all
    July 17, 2008

    cool board