Thalia St Bonzers

Thalia St Surf Shop in Laguna Beach, California has revamped their website with a nice online store showcasing their entire stock of surfboards. They currently have a nice batch of authentic Campbell Brothers Bonzers handshaped by Malcolm Campbell and glassed at Moonlight Glassing. This 5’10” egg looks tasty.

Thalia St stock Bonzers online
Thalia Surf Dot Com
Thalia Blog

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  • Daniel
    April 21, 2008

    I’m green with envy!

  • Anonymous
    April 22, 2008

    kinda looks like a fish egg – i’d ride it

  • Jon P.
    April 22, 2008

    That’s not the egg.

    That’s the slice of avo.

  • chip@thepodroom
    April 22, 2008

    nice board 4 earth day, go buy it today. or go up friday night to the ando davis , big al knost & tyler warren art show w/ray barbee.

  • you goin chippy? I’m goin.

  • matt
    April 23, 2008

    pretty retarded that the Campbell boards are the lowest price boards at that shop. top shaper + top glasser = top price vs all the wanna be “artist” boards.