Golden Honey

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  • Gabe
    April 11, 2008

    So nice varieties and designs of surfboard are available at Becker Surfboards

  • trimchris
    April 11, 2008

    thats just pure stoke, im glad im at the other side of the world cause i would just run to pick this little thingy up.

  • justin
    April 11, 2008


    your a kook

  • Oceans Rising
    April 11, 2008

    Gabe, we know where you live.

  • Anonymous
    April 11, 2008

    Hi Sally & J.P,
    Is that a butterscotch yellow tint?

    Mike @ Singapore.

  • Anonymous
    April 11, 2008

    board dims please…

    that board’s gonna look epic when the sunlight gets on it!

  • Anonymous
    April 11, 2008

    love the glass-ons too. whose fins on this gem?

  • Anonymous
    April 11, 2008

    Becker must be desperate for sales if he has to troll surfy surf.

  • Anonymous
    April 12, 2008

    art fag