Numero Uno

Shop Rat Brett and his first attempt at shaping.

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  • Anonymous
    March 22, 2008

    Looks like he did a fine job for his first time. I’m sure it helps to be surrounded by great craftsman.

  • Sebastien
    March 22, 2008

    is he swiss? board looks nice!

  • Anonymous
    March 23, 2008

    Congrats Brett! Looks like a great shape.

    Waves to ya,

  • Miles
    March 23, 2008

    damn – nice first pass at shaping – admirable to say the absolute least.

    keep your eye out for a 5’11” Fineline GeeBee with a safety orange resin tint coming through Moonlight, that one is for me babe!

  • ChrisC.
    March 25, 2008

    Nice acid splash! Anymore Skinny Dave files?