The 21st Century Influence of Russ Short

Classic footage of Russ Short carving up a Mainland Mexico point on a 3 fin shortboard in 1977 courtesy of Duncan Campbell. Brand new custom Russ Short style Bonzer for Mr. Dan Doose.

*Check out those hand plant bottom turns by Russ.

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  • Anonymous
    February 15, 2008

    Nice color combo….I love the video..good, off the tail surfing.

  • Anonymous
    February 15, 2008

    great board, great video, and great album.

  • Anonymous
    February 16, 2008

    what film is the original footage from? for us aspiring collectors…. thanks

  • reverb
    February 16, 2008

    …fantastic board
    perfect tube/carving outline

  • J.P.
    February 16, 2008

    The complete footage will appear in the Bonzer film Duncan Campbell has been working on.

  • Anonymous
    February 16, 2008

    Original footage in a hard to find short movie called, “In The Mist Of Summer”. With Russ on the 3 fin Bonzer, Dan Flecky and some Billy Pells on single fins.
    A great historical chronicle of how the Campbells and Russ were ahead of there time. Flecky and Pells are great surfers but Russ and his Bonzer just simply steal the show. Duncan has done a great thing by getting this back out there for all to see.
    I kinda remember seeing it as a prelude to a ‘feature’ at the HB Surf theatre through clouds of Thai Stick smoke.
    Thanks JP for keeping it alive as well.

  • Anonymous
    February 16, 2008

    What model and size is this board? Just in case I had money burning a hole in my pocket and wanted to order one for a trip to the islands this summer?
    Mike Wonder

  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2008

    Hi , I grew up in Oxnard (1957) Surfed the Ventura point at age 8 ,then surfed uncrowed Silver Strand till about 1987… I grew up surfing with Russ , Spike , Craig Fineman, the Campbells , Cliff, David V, Doug F… All were charging the best of Silver Strand…. Love my Surfing childhood…. Malcolm Shaped me the first Russ Short ‘SIGNATURE’ surfboard # 001 .. If I could attach pics I would……

  • Anonymous
    February 29, 2008

    A huge thank you should really go to
    J.Peck who found the original reel of that awsome flick “IN THE MIST OF SUMMER” takes me way back.

    Thanks Jimmy
    Bonzers for life!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Anonymous
    October 7, 2008

    hey can you do me a favor and teel me what song that is on the video?