Lots ‘o Boards

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  • clayfin
    February 4, 2008

    I’ll take that orange one.

  • Erik Hakon Olson
    February 4, 2008

    What’s the story on that painting on the wall again? Love that one.

  • Anonymous
    February 4, 2008

    I think I have a bord on that wall that I need to come by and pick up.

  • Three_rolled.
    February 4, 2008

    Is my orange 6’3″ Russ Short in that batch?

  • gonsurfing
    February 4, 2008

    Is my 7’4″ round pin quad manadala in the stack

  • kit7873
    February 4, 2008

    Painting looks to be of Supertubes, Jeffrey’s Bay.

    I love the wood-finned quad FISH! The red one!

  • Anonymous
    February 4, 2008

    I’m calling Pavel and getting my money back. Really. 8 months not a word. Thanks Richy Rich you barney.

  • Anonymous
    February 5, 2008

    Rich is great and worth the wait.

    What’s the big orange board?

  • Anonymous
    February 5, 2008

    a year and a half wait here from Mr. Pavel and lots of promises.

  • Anonymous
    February 5, 2008

    I love this picture. I rather have the rack than a Porshe.

  • Christian
    February 5, 2008

    I’ll take the green single fin. And I’ll second what the anonymous poster said. A quiver is cooler than a Porshe any day of the week.

  • pinliner
    February 5, 2008

    The painting is by our favorite Merry Prankster Jeffrey Meyers. Painted on a sign liberated from a certain infamous local bar. Its from a snapshot of a Baja Pont to remain nameless. Painted around 1980 or 81 we hung it and have been waiting for Jeff to come finish the foreground ever since. If I remember right his exact words were”Go ahead and hang it I’ll be back tomorrow to finish it.”

  • Anonymous
    February 5, 2008

    to those of you awaiting your Pavel foil(s), take a deep breath, hunker down… or do whatever gets you through cause it’s gonna be awhile.

    i empathize with your frustration – i’ve been waiting longer than both of you (who have commented here)- we want it all and we want it now. but for me, anger and frustration directed at toby is a waste of energy and time. i have other boards to ride and great waves in my back yard, …and bigger battles to fight. i may be a sucker for waiting sooo long, maybe not. what i do know is someday soon i’ll be stocked and laughing when i pull into a screaming blue meanie on my
    pavel. aloha.

  • asmith
    February 5, 2008

    Orange board- name, rank, serial number.Thanks.

  • Anonymous
    February 5, 2008

    What so great bout Pavel board ? Without a “skilled” surfer that is just another board …..

  • ?
    February 5, 2008


  • Anonymous
    February 5, 2008

    Pavel is a shaping genius and he designed the speed dialer!! That isn’t just another board.

  • Anonymous
    February 5, 2008

    Sorry.. No Sympathy for those waiting for your Pavel. You knew what you were getting into, it’s not like this is new information. You made the choice to order the board… Now stop whinning, and accept what you have stepped into. I don’t own a Pavel, and to be honest with a wait time like that I will never order one. But there are obviously plenty of people who think it is worth the wait.
    Good luck, be patient and hopefully it will all be worth it.

  • J.P.
    February 6, 2008

    There are no Pavels in this photo.

  • asmith
    February 6, 2008

    orange board. Name, rank, serial number. Thanks.

  • Anonymous
    February 6, 2008

    the orange josh hall board is called “the great pumpkin”

  • Anonymous
    February 6, 2008

    I don’t want your sympathy kook. Pavel is just a big Ego. He acts like he’s cool or something. I should have stayed with my local shaper he has more soul in his big toe than Pavel has in his entire body. Honestly my custom guitar from Kirk Sands has taken 2 years but its made of extinct planks of brazillian rosewood. Not Walker foam. hahahaha.

  • Anonymous
    February 6, 2008

    Take it somewhere else please.

  • R_Surf
    February 6, 2008

    Beautiful boards!!

    P.S. Stop complaining and get on with your life already. If that is the case then fix the situation and stop calling names. Don’t get the board if that is the case. I am sure he won’t lose any sleep over your order. The other guy just said get on with it, now take your bad vibe elsewhere or continue calling names under an anonymous alias. It looks like he wished you well in getting your Pavel. I wish you the same, and do what you gotta do but don’t air your dirty laundry out here and call names on this stokefilled blog.
    Thanks for the great pics as always J.P.
    Unfortunate people gotta bring their baggage here.

  • Anonymous
    February 7, 2008

    without Moonlight glassing , those boards r just boring lookig blank ! haaa.a.. This e reason why i order board from u.s n blooding shipping cost me bout usd$235.00 per board ! Moonlight glassing rules !!!

  • Anonymous
    February 7, 2008

    the walrus had nothing to add to this thread–coo-coo ka choo— today the water is 40.5 degrees and the crowds are low

  • CalActive.com
    February 7, 2008

    That green board is sweet! I love the color combination.