Surfy Surfy 2008
Dear friends of Surfy Surfy,
This is my 884th post. When I started Surfy Surfy in 2005 I was only aware of a handful of surf themed blogs. I currently have over 70 cool surf blogs linked, and it seems like everyday a new one gets started up. The Surf Blogger Nation is strong.
(If you are a surf blogger and I don’t have you linked please e-mail me at so I can get you in there. The blog list is alphabetical).
I’m looking forward to keeping Surfy Surfy going in 2008. Here are some items of note:
*My Surfing Magazine Blog is still on hiatus due to the overwhelming attack of spam on the comments section. I’m not sure what the future of that blog is. I kind of freaked out the surfing establishment with some of those post so I don’t know if they really want to keep me around, ha-ha.
*I am working on a cool web project with Rob from that I just know all of you will dig. Stay tuned for updates.
*Since Surfy Surfy is pretty much about the surfboards made at my family surfboard farm, Moonlight Glassing I will continue to run with that theme. Come to Surfy Surfy for your quality daily surfboard pornography.
*Many of you have been kind and trusting enough to bring us your shaped blanks for glassing. Thank you so much for your business! My New Year’s resolution is to be better about posting photos of YOUR boards because that is what it is all about.
*If you have any cool photos of the boards we glassed for you feel free to e-mail them to me for posting. Action surf shots of our boards are always cool to see too.
E-mail me at
*Dims–I never know the dimensions of the boards I post. I try to remember to take a photo of the dims written on the stringer but sometimes they are covered up by the colorwork. Some dims are top secret.
*I will continue to post the occasional stock board we have for sale out of our showroom but Surfy Surfy will remain largely noncommercial. A special thanks to everyone who has bought a showroom board from us, it really helps ensure the future of the factory in these tumultuous times.
*I will from time to time post about shipments of new boards going out to various surf shops we work with.
*I am also the moderator of the Surfer Mag Dot Com Design Forum. If you like to discuss surfboards online check it out here.
*The main emphasis of Surfy Surfy will continue to be Campbell Brothers Bonzer surfboards because they look cool, ride insane and are a lot of hard work to build so it’s rewarding for me to post photos of the them all finished up.
*I will continue to post photos of surfboards by all the other talented shapers we work with and keep you updated on our testing of the exciting new surfboard resin, Resin-X.
*I didn’t start adding labels to post until a few months ago. A lot of older post still don’t have labels but I’m working on it. Please tell me you are clicking on the labels so I haven’t wasted a 100 hours of my life.
*All my photos are taken with a digital waterproof Optio Pentax that was graciously donated to me by the official sponsor of Surfy Surfy, Wayne Payne after he learned my previous camera had been lost/stolen. (Oddly enough, this is now the official Kelly Slater camera).
*Thanks again for making Surfy Surfy a daily part of your online habits. Isn’t living in the 21st Century awesome?Look honey, down below…it’s Bonzer World. Let’s land and get a 5 egg omelet.
December 31, 2007By the way, I did this entire post one handed while bottle feeding my 3 1/2 month old son.
December 31, 2007OK, since yer the design forum admin, whaddaya say you sneek over to the blacklist and hit ‘delete’ on my IP addy? š
Anywho, big props go out to yer blog and content, I couldn’t imagine a better position for a blogger. And I also would like to take a peek at your analytics, must be pretty insane.
Blog on JP, good to be in your ranks.
December 31, 2007Thanks for all your help and support this last year JP. Looking forward to doing as much as possible with you guys in 08′!!
December 31, 2007happy new year, with wonderful boards and magnificent swells. all the best!
December 31, 2007good on ya JP!
with out you and the unbelieveable work of the family surfboard farm, all those freakin talented shapers, and your really good jimmy slade camerawork, my day wouldnt start that good everyday. its like, wake up – coffee – open eyes – surfysurfy – smile – smile – smile – envy -envy -envy -smile – and so on.
have a successful and healthy 2008 you all, i wish i had the chance to bring my poorly shaped blanks to moonlight too, but i guess the shipping would be killer from austria š
take care everyone, i hope ill sometime be able to meet you all in person some day.
December 31, 2007Yours was one of the first surf blogs I regularly checked. Consistancy and quality will always keep people coming back whether it’s blogging or surfboards.
Your constant visual bonzer attack finally wore me down and I had to order one through my local shaper. It should be done in a couple weeks.
Keep on keeping on, when you have mastered one-handed diaper changes you will have reached daddy-jedi status.
December 31, 2007…great
keep em coming
paulo jacinto
December 31, 2007Surfy surfy is my favorite blog, i see it three or four times a day…
I realy love your art glass jobs. Honestly the inspiration for my glass works is moonlight glassing!
By the way, why don´t a moon base in portugal?
All the best for moon team!
Happy new year!
antoine wilson
December 31, 2007Someday I will make my way down the 5 and visit the moonbase, but in the meanwhile, this blog is like a lifeline.
I’m most impressed you managed to type that while feeding the kid. Ours is just 4 months now & I’m definitely a playmat-poster…my one-handed skills are for sh*t.
Keep up the fantastic work…and Happy New Year.
Jen from Jersey
December 31, 2007Happy new year to you & your wonderful family J.P. and the staff at the Moonbase.
Thanks for all your work on Surfy Surfy. I look forward to the additional bit of color it injects into my day and always makes me feel great about where my boards come from.
We’ll have to get that sesh together next time Josh and I are in town…and plus one next time. found out a few weeks ago, it’s a boy!
December 31, 2007J.P. happy new year, your blog is always first thing i check in the morning after the weather. After finally getting one of your boards this summer I now know what everyone was talking about. You guys truly run a great shop and i wish you guys the best of luck in 08
Who's Your Daddy
December 31, 2007Happy New Year JP! Keep up the great work.
I used to love this site until you changed the order of your links to sort them alphabetically! Your referrals to my blog (Your Daily Donkey) are now down 20%!
I kid of course.
All the best in 2008!
December 31, 2007My New Year’s resolution is to finally find out the “SECRET DIMS”!!!!
JP- Thanks for wasting all your time on line, I certainly appreciate it………….
Long Live Surfy Surfy!
December 31, 2007Hip Hip! Happy New Year JP, family and crew. One of these days I will make it down there.
January 1, 2008Thanks for doing what you do.
All the best in 2008!
January 1, 2008Happy New Year to all the crew at Moonlight! Keep those great posts coming!
January 1, 2008I can’t imagine how much time and effort you put into this. With out this blog my first boards would look different, thats for sure. There probably would not be a resin-X or things would be a lot different than what they are. I said this to you before but I will say it again. It is probably tuff for you to comprehend how important this blog really is.
Special thanks to both the Bacon and St. Pierre families for taking a chance on me and for every thing they do for me.
Erik Hakon Olson
January 1, 2008Happy New Year! Looking forward to more great SurfySurfy in ’08.
January 2, 2008Happy New Year, J.P.! Tell the rest of the folks at Moonlight that our trip down there to pick up my board was one of the best things I did in 2007. Every time I’ve got the board with me, I can barely get down to the water without people stopping me to take a closer look at it. Keep on keepin’ on!
January 2, 2008Happy New Year Moon Crew and thanks for providing the highest quality glassing services to hobbyist shapers like me. I’ll never forget what Peter said to me when I handed him my first finished blank: “did you paint the stringer?”
that guy
January 2, 2008I love what you’re doing J.P.
It’s a little treat during my week to look in a couple of times and see what fun things you’ve cooked up.
Happy New Year from NZ and keep on keeping on !
January 4, 2008have always loved this blog. your stoke has inspired probably thousands…
always look forward to seeing beautiful boards, SD history, and that true craftsmen still exist.
keep up the excllent work, and feeding us the stoke.