Mick Fanning, What Time Is It?

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2007 World Champ surfer Mick Fanning surfing his Malcolm Campbell Bonzer 5 fin surfboard to 12 o’clock.

Return to Power Surfer Mag Dot Com gallery photo #20

This post via Duncan at Bonzer World.

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  • B
    December 13, 2007

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  • warm jet
    December 13, 2007


  • lagtown
    December 13, 2007

    love it. Micks the shit. My bro on the north shore drinks coffee with duncan at his shop. Says he’s really cool.

  • Lamont Sanford
    December 13, 2007

    Once is enough, lagtown…thanks.

  • oprah
    December 13, 2007

    It’s Obama time!

    It’s Obama tiime!!

    It’s Obama tiiime!!!

  • Tim
    December 13, 2007

    Tracking @ High Noon.

  • brownfish
    December 13, 2007

    I want a Bonzer!!!