Jar O’ Paint

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  • Rick
    November 15, 2007

    it’s amazing what a little “sleep deprivation” does to you…

  • Anonymous
    November 15, 2007

    a radioactive spider must have gotten into my chronic jar…..sweet.

  • Anonymous
    November 15, 2007

    “Sleep deprivation”? I’m suffering from Bonzer withdrawal with all of these artistic pictures of paint supplies and rants about Guy Takayama. More pics of Bonzers, stat!

  • Coque
    November 15, 2007

    Dimensions please!

  • Jar-Jar Binks
    November 15, 2007

    Love the Yummy Green Paint !

  • Anonymous
    November 15, 2007

    Is the green paint… green?

  • Anonymous
    November 15, 2007

    Soylent Green is people!!!

  • ml
    November 15, 2007

    paint? Thats lunch for 50 at the china popout factory!

  • Chandler
    November 15, 2007

    Looks like a music video nightmare