Haole Rot

Don’t you hate it when you forget to put sunscreen on the back of your legs before paddling out?

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  • Anonymous
    October 4, 2007

    NorCal and Pacific NW don’t have that problem.

  • pushingtide
    October 4, 2007

    That’s great.

    Got so burned on the back of my legs down in Mex a couple months back. But was worth it. Worst part was the butt white skin where the leash was wrapped around. Proof that I use a kook cord. But, I think you really have to down there with that power.

  • Johan
    October 4, 2007

    In the North East Us, it’s not really an issue, but I did once forget to put sunblock on one of the parts sticking out of my wetsuit. My feet!!

    Wearing any kind of footwear was painful for a few days after that one.

  • peter
    October 4, 2007

    Went surfing with Dale Webster one hot day this summer. We both fried the soles of our feet walking down the trail. Ya think a couple of old farts would know better.

  • Anonymous
    October 5, 2007

    Wax those legs dude!

  • Anonymous
    October 6, 2007

    I hate when I forget to put on my wetsuit… 5 mil