New Surfboards

Modern Performance Retro Surfboards
Fueled by bamboo fins.

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  • KC
    August 22, 2007


    the green quad, that wouldn’t be a 5’5″ mandala would it? if it is, it might be mine! heehee


  • Anonymous
    August 22, 2007

    that single fin sure do look fun

  • Anonymous
    August 22, 2007

    Is it an optical illusion, or do the leading fins on that quad have different templates?

  • JP
    August 22, 2007

    It’s the angle of the photo. Surfboards are notoriously tricky to photograph. Longboards are the hardest because they come looking odd and planky most of the time. Quads are challenging too, they look funny in photos as does this one. shucks.

  • Nuno
    August 22, 2007

    avoid taking photographies to close with wide angle lenses, the ideal is 55mm the distortion is minimal.

    If you’re using a compact camera, step back and use the zoom in.


  • Erik Hakon Olson
    August 23, 2007

    Nice colors. My wife and I are in the middle of painting her office in those tones!

  • Anonymous
    August 23, 2007

    Those two are so beautiful

  • Anonymous
    August 23, 2007

    that quad is going to be soooo much fun with those cutaways…can you say



  • Anonymous
    August 25, 2007

    ooohh bamboo CQC’s look sick. and the color of that single fin….Nice. I think I have the colors of my next board