Nacho Libre?

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  • justin
    August 5, 2007

    Thats fu&%ing awesome! The surf nazis strike.

  • 50something mom from HB
    August 5, 2007

    Sweet surfer. You forgot the toe shoes. The artist has a confused view of what a surfer looks like in the water. My son has been surfing his whole life and I have never seen him look like that on a board.

    August 5, 2007

    Now that is Art! The rebellion has begun!

  • ras
    August 5, 2007


  • ml
    August 5, 2007

    hey, the cherry grove, fire island surf statue looks JUST like the encinitas one!

  • Anonymous
    August 5, 2007

    real or photochop?

  • kyle
    August 5, 2007

    That’s what the statue was missing. It looks much better now. Maybe we should keep it.

  • Nuno
    August 5, 2007

    I think is missing a cape… =) that would be the final touch

  • Anonymous
    August 6, 2007

    Looks like the Cardiff Tranny Surfer will need costuming on a weekly basis until the city leaders realize that they need to melt Mr. Jazz hands down and make beer cans out of him or something else useful.

  • Anonymous
    August 6, 2007

    Moonbase closed last weekend “…baby showers to attend” hahaha. My foot. This is a feat destined for surfing legend, to pull it off right next to one of the most crowded overnight campgrounds in the state!

  • phil
    August 6, 2007

    i have to say, it does look better this way.

  • Anonymous
    August 7, 2007

    a statue of sam george

  • Anonymous
    August 8, 2007

    The artist, not realizing how bad it would appear because he is a big
    poser, went for the “mass” appeal stance. Something that would appeal to the masses of art lovers worldwide. These guys were thinking world renowned art. Basically, he did a “David” statue and then glued a surfboard to its feet so that we could say it was a surfer. So sad. It would look right at home in Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas.