Behold Your New God

The new Cardiff-by-the-sea surfer statue.

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  • Anonymous
    July 27, 2007

    she said “ballerina”! lol

  • Anonymous
    July 27, 2007

    Not a surfer.

  • Anonymous
    July 27, 2007

    Since the majority thinks the statue is so feminine, what would the public reaction be if this statue had the same body language but was depicted as a female in a bikini, instead of a male?

  • Anonymous
    July 27, 2007

    it would still be bad form regardless of a bikini. Insult women surfers too?

  • Ian...
    July 27, 2007

    I know the guy(s) who posed for the statue. They surf at my beach all the time, and they ride Serftex and other Chinese pieces of dog doo. That statue belongs here on Folly Beach. How much are you asking?

  • Nuno
    July 27, 2007

    I dig it! … A monument to the surfers that struggles to carry a standard thruster shortboard down the line.

  • Anonymous
    July 27, 2007

    John from Cincinnati on his first acid trip!! You guy’s gotta be joking.

  • comic book guy
    July 27, 2007


  • Anonymous
    July 27, 2007

    Hey Ian…..Along with surftech….most all other surf gear like wetsuits, surf clothing, shoes, leashes, backbacks, board bags,…..fins are made WHERE? yup….Either CHINA or Thailand! So before you open your mouth like an idiot educate yourself moron. If you don’t like products manufactured overseas…then do something about it! Boycott them entirely! I dare you! Practically everything is made overseas these days you genius.

  • JP
    July 27, 2007

    We should have outsourced this craptacular statue to China like they did with the new Martin Luther King statue, right “anonymous”?

  • Who's Your Daddy
    July 27, 2007

    Hey…Justin better beware! First he’s spotted in some Crocs, now next to the surfing ballerina!

  • Anonymous
    July 27, 2007

    Wrong JP! I don’t think that anyone really likes the fact that china practically controls our economy. But,….to talk crap about people who ride surftech boards is hypocritical. Every one ofus owns crap that is made there. So I guess Ian needs to craft himself a wetsuit out of seal skin and fashion a leash from hemp grown in the US. If you don’t like the friggin’ statue…..saw it’s damn head off or something…..

  • brownfish
    July 27, 2007

    Stalker, Is all I can say. Justin and I were having our spiritual time with our New God and nobody else was in sight. You must have been hiding in the bushes once again clicking away. Or even better yet, from that angle you could have been on Rob’s balcony with an 800mm lense. Those crazy anonymous people in Leucadia are right about you JP, even if they don’t have the balls to sign their name to a comment.

  • chairman mao
    July 27, 2007

    Anonymous citizen is correct. You must not criticize things. You must accept everything without question. Thank you for supporting China, the world’s fastest growing economy. Do not worry about the environmental damage we have caused. We have used the money to build more nuclear weapons.

  • Anonymous
    July 27, 2007

    Just goes to show how immature and uneducated most of today’s “surf culture” is. They can’t even comprehend a two or three sentence post. If you don’t like stuff that’s made in china… shouldn’t buy ANYTHING made there…if you’re gonna talk crap about it. Environmental damage…..that’s one of the reasons why epoxy technology came about. Conventional surfboard technology with the use of clark foam caused alot of environmental damage. That is why the EPA forced Clark foam to shut down. If your 10th grade reading ability won’t allow you to understand…get your mommy to help you. Read the tag on your Vans….”Made in CHINA”.

  • Rob
    July 27, 2007

    Wow,…I’m glad JP spoke up. Now everyone knows what a lame jerk he is. There are plenty of other people that produce boards and aren’t so egotistical. They’ll definitely be getting more business. Maybe JP’s dad will beat his ass for being such an idiot.

  • Patch
    July 28, 2007

    Praise to the newly unveiled Cardiff Kook of Good Karma…

  • reality check
    July 28, 2007

    The EPA DID NOT close down Clark Foam and epoxy resin has serious health issues. Do a little research before you spew on the ‘net kid.

    PS that statue is crap.

  • Anonymous
    July 28, 2007

    What happened to that guy’s Croc’s?

  • Anonymous
    July 28, 2007

    why isn’t that skateboarder wearing a helmet and pads? Nice grind off the rock.

  • Justin
    July 28, 2007

    i trashed my crocs after getting bashed by all you bloghead a few posts back.. Im sport’n neon green reebok pumps now! I was going to go with rainbows but felt they were a little heavy..

  • justin
    July 28, 2007

    anonymous posts are weak.. if you write somthing your believe in at least have the salt to put your name next to it.

  • Al Soldano
    July 29, 2007

    I’m glad Anonymous thinks as much of his surfboard as he does his toaster.

  • Tyler
    July 30, 2007

    At least some people think.

  • Jon P.
    July 31, 2007

    This is the nail in the coffin.
    Fucking Kookville USA!
    I’m on my way to Home Depot to pick up some spray paint.

  • kalama
    July 31, 2007

    cause’ it is Kookville, USA…..full of snobby wannabees ..try look