Captain Ambiance at Leucadia Nights

Friday, May 11 6-9 Leucadia Coast Highway 101 CA USA

Captain Ambiance is coming out of retirement for Leucadia Nights and will be spinning his special blend of rare and thrilling .25 cent thrift store records. Hear the smooth sounds of Hawaiiana, groove to jazz, mambo, surf and exotica. 33’s and 45’s all found in Encinitas thrift stores. All vinyl, that’s final!

Also playing, surf movies of rare and never-before-seen archival and modern footage of Campbell Brothers Bonzer surfing.

All this excitement to be found in front of The Plant Lady in north Leucadia on Hwy101.

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  • rob70
    May 11, 2007

    OH SNAP! I’m wearing my favorite hawaiin and getting wasted on Mai Tais from a thermos!

  • Who's Your Daddy
    May 11, 2007

    JP…you’ve got to give us guys with kids a little more warning!

  • JP
    May 11, 2007

    Bring the little boogers!

  • pushingtide
    May 11, 2007

    Hope the set will be on the net soon JP?

    I still listen to one of the first Captain Ambiance 30 minutes of wow.

    All vinyl, that’s final!!

  • reverb
    May 12, 2007

    sadly that I cant go

    take good pict man

  • rob70
    May 14, 2007

    You guys missed it. Bootleg footage from all the surf movies you wish had come out on time but didn’t, plus, footage from some that won’t!