Welcome to Thumbsville

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  • Anonymous
    April 15, 2007


  • Gaz
    April 15, 2007

    Nice toes dude!

  • warm jet
    April 15, 2007

    Those are Flinstone toes!
    Hmm! Mabe a coffee table book of all
    toes…on the nose???
    Toe porn?
    mabe not.

  • Anonymous
    April 16, 2007

    JP, what were the dimensions of the swell down there?
    Nice shot, the second one.

    April 16, 2007

    Let us know when there are some thumbs available on the showroom floor at Moonlight. I rode that board once last year on the 4th of July in small surf and it was so much fun. I can only imagine the magic at 2nd point.

  • coolhand
    April 16, 2007

    jP,biTchen noSe*tOe shOt! I to ‘lIke wArm jEt’ aM iNto tOe poRn!cAn yoU poSsibly sHow mE moRe?

  • michael
    April 16, 2007

    thumb wrestle ya!

  • Tim
    April 16, 2007

    I’m taking my Thumb down there with me Wednesday AM. Stoked! International Thumb Love…

  • Anonymous
    April 16, 2007

    what size is that board?

  • JP
    April 16, 2007

    Yes, I finally found a good use for my mutant toe.

    The Thumb comes in a standard size of 5’9″. It is 3″ inches thick and is a bar of soap.

    We are going to be doing limited runs of Thumbs so serious inquiries can contact bonzersurfer@gmail.com

    This was an insane surf trip.

    Day 1: smallish fun waist high.

    Day 2: Roping 8 ft+ at 4th point, solid 6 ft at 3rd, perfect 4-5 ft at 2nd and killer shoulder high 1st point.

    Day 3: Holding solid 6 ft swell hitting all the points perfectly. Total wave machine with brutal current.

    Surfed over 20 hours total. I’m sick as a dog right now but it was worth it.

  • Anonymous
    April 16, 2007

    JP does the thumb ride like a stubby?

  • JP
    April 16, 2007

    Nope. The Thumb rides like The Thumb.

  • Anonymous
    April 16, 2007

    fast? good paddler?

  • JP
    April 16, 2007

    Oh my yes, I out-paddle Seedlings on 10 ft logs on the Thumb.

  • Anonymous
    April 16, 2007

    ill have to check it out when you get back. does yours have loxbox or glassed in’s?

    thanks for the updates and pictures of your trip

  • Anonymous
    April 16, 2007

    Good for you, Jp. You deserve it. I have surfed myself sick on numerous occasions, and you’re right — it is always worth it, especially on a swell like that last one.

  • Anonymous
    April 17, 2007

    is the thumb a CB design?

  • JP
    April 17, 2007

    My Dad created The Thumb in 1974 (I think). The updated 21st century Thumb adopts the Campbell brothers Bonzer design.

    My Thumb has Lokbox and I am currently riding a set of bamboo siderunners that Marlin Bacon made me.

  • Anonymous
    April 18, 2007

    sounds like a fun little board.
    can i check i out when you get back?

  • Anonymous
    April 19, 2007

    what would you say would be the difference between a thumb or bumblebee?

  • JP
    April 19, 2007

    The Thumb and Bumble Bee are apples and oranges.

  • Anonymous
    April 19, 2007

    I’ve never ridden either just curious
    going to order one of them how wide is the thumb?