New/Old Logo

This logo isn’t old enough to be fully “retro”. We used it only sparingly in the early 90’s. Now we’ve decided to stop neglecting it and bring it back. So, if you dig it and want one on your next board ask for the “Jetson’s” logo.

Thanks to Jon from Factory 101 for cleaning up the image and for the top notch screenprinting.

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  • Maggie
    April 3, 2007

    that’s prefect! i am documenting the flow of moonlight’s logos.

  • christopher
    April 3, 2007

    That looks amazing JP! If you guys haven’t glassed my 5’9″ mandala round pin single fin yet I would love the jetsons logo! Getting those moon kitty pics printed for you that you like so much(the ones of your dad giving him the belly rub)…hope all is well! chris g from nyc

  • pinliner
    April 3, 2007

    to late Chris your board is sitting on my rack waiting for me to break out the Dagger Brush.

  • Eric
    April 3, 2007

    What about my 6′ GH 4-fin fish?

    If it’s not to late, I’m digging that logo.

    Future-primitive, yo.

  • billy
    April 3, 2007

    I’m lovin’ it

  • Jon P.
    April 3, 2007

    You guys should get all the old logos printed on T’s.

  • christopher
    April 3, 2007

    Can’t wait to see how you stab that board with those dagger brushes! thanks pinliner!

  • ZamoraSurfboards
    April 4, 2007

    I like this one!