Chocolate Factory

Chocolate surfboards filled with creamy nougat centers.
For Paula.

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  • Paula the Surf Mom
    April 28, 2007

    My chocolate board!!!… JP you’re sweet, thank you.

  • Anonymous
    April 28, 2007

    congrads paula
    what’s the dims on that little beauty ????

  • Bob
    April 28, 2007

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  • Ash
    April 28, 2007

    Did you submit your site at

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  • Jgirl
    April 28, 2007


    Can I get a chocolate vanilla marble?

  • brownfish
    April 29, 2007

    Brown Fish, I didn’t think anyone would ever think of doing that. Very nice indeed.

  • panamared
    April 29, 2007

    Sorry but Im going to say it. Atrocious.

  • Anonymous
    April 29, 2007

    Stevie Lis use to have sand colored or very light mocha- aqua steeds .Kinda funny how that was over 30 yrs ago. The top speed he could attain was a trip ! No one else went THAT FAST either. Cool site!