Bloggy Bloggy

Check it out amigos, Surfing Magazine Dot Com has created a new blog section on their website and has asked me to do the Surfboards Blog alongside the environmental and music blogs.

Here is the link to the blogs page: Surfing Magazine Blogs

Here is the direct link to the Surfboards Blog

Basically, the Surfing magazine blog I’m doing is going to be an extension of Surfy Surfy, but instead of just photos with one or two line captions it will have several paragraphs so I can go deeper into stuff. I’ve been on the fence with taking Surfy Surfy in this direction because I kinda like the minimalist style of it as is. Getting offered the Surfing mag blog was perfect timing.

I hope you will check out my new blog at Surfing every once and awhile and leave witty comments like you do here. If you hate it and think it sucks feel free to express that opinion as well.

I will continue to update Surfy Surfy everyday.


Surfing magazine publisher Ross Garrett tapping the source in New Zealand on a Campbell brothers 5 fin Bonzer.

Thanks also to Surfing online editor and Pipeline charger, Cody Welsh.

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  • Paula the Surf Mom
    April 21, 2007

    Very cool JP… I get to do the surf report on Stoke Master for NC and I was thrilled as hell when I got asked to do that, but this is huge, Congrats you deserve it, this is a great blog.

  • Anonymous
    April 21, 2007

    Your blogs and photos are witty and entertaining and your photos are 100% kung fu karate chopping. I personal boycott against Surfing Magazine after the recent merge with, one of the most despicable website on the internet that exposes surf spots from every square miles of the globe. Say no Surfing magazine, and say no to

  • pointsurfbaja
    April 21, 2007

    Right on JP! Congrats, I think it will go great for you. Can We announce it on the erBB yet.

  • Anonymous
    April 21, 2007

    Yeah! Do it up…it sounds like you and the surfy surfy style will be going more mainstream…it’s a great thing when that which is great about surfing gets more focus to counteract the b.s. that gets most of the mainstreet coverage. It can be a scary thing when people go big…you never know if they’ll take the ship in a positive or negative direction…but it’s clear from what surfy surfy is and has been that a bigger audience for what’s right about surfing should only be a good thing…
    Go big yo! Enjoy and congrats.

  • JP
    April 21, 2007

    I didn’t know about the wannasurf drama. As we go down the line I can use my new blog to call attention to ethics in all walks of surfing.

  • Anonymous
    April 21, 2007

    JP will never go mainstream. He takes positions like this to undermine the establishment from within.

    The dude abides.

  • Anonymous
    April 21, 2007

    The master’s tools will not dismantle the master’s house.

  • Doc
    April 21, 2007

    I certainly congratulate you on this JP…I don’t really check sites like Surfline, Wannasurf, Magic Seaweed or any of the big “official” surf sites with any regularity unless someone calls a specific article or feature to my attention…or if I’m looking for info on a specific and happen upon it incidentally…

    To me, what’s been created really quite recently in a small corner of the surf world is very unreal to me on many levels and I credit sites like Surfy Surfy, Campbell Bros., and Niceness with really getting it started…obviously Swaylocks was huger than huge too…

    Sure sites like Surfline or others have blogs and occassional good content but BB’s like those can degrade into pissing matches or just get stale…

    When I click on your site, or 70%, or Sissyfish, Pushingtide and others I am almost disappointed when there isn’t new content because it’s like a personal discussion and if we aren’t posting and commenting and pushing this magic little world of “I don’t know what it is” comes to a temporary stop…

    It’s pretty unique and were all in on something pretty fun and cool and new…

    I’m sure I’ll check Surfing, especially considering the source now, but I think the individual, for me, will always outweigh the aggregate…


  • warm jet
    April 21, 2007

    here here, DOC!
    Yes I’ve come across Wannasurf before and been surprised at the pics and info of ‘semi secret’spots on there.

  • warm jet
    April 21, 2007

    Oh and yes Jp will be dismantling the machine from within, I agree.

  • Anonymous
    April 21, 2007

    JP, I didn’t mean to open cans of worm wanted to point out my surprise with the merge as it was not highly pubicized and maybe the merge should be brought up on ‘erBB. As usuall you gave a classy response. I read and continue to read your blogs. You are ambassador of surfboard stoke whether you like it or not!!! 🙂

  • Anonymous
    April 21, 2007

    Maybe that’s a future surfing sociology topic…the ‘underground’ vs mainstream…
    what if all that was cool and great about surfing got more attention from a bigger audience?
    Wouldn’t that begin the fall of the superficial poser and surfing as a whole would be respected and recognized for what it really is?
    Or is the ‘underground’ community locked into the counterculture feel and want to keep it that way and just laugh at all the mainstream b.s.
    What if the version of surfy surfy does to surfing as a whole what norah jones did to mainstream music when she won best album at the grammy’s?

  • JP
    April 21, 2007

    By the way, Nora Jones is from Leucadia. Sweet.

  • pointsurfbaja
    April 22, 2007

    JP Those angry emails aren’t worth it to worry over. These people don’t know the half of what the Mexican Government has planned for that little spot we enjoyed. I’m talking, marina with full accommodations, gas stations, mini marts, an international airport, a paved road all the way past it. International investors are building mini resorts and local people are putting up motels. It’s a great spot that still has alot of years left in it, yet by no means did you out the spot. Our family has been going down there since the late ’80’s and the crowds haven’t gotten too much more intense. I’d be more worried about the places that aren’t on the radar right under our noses, or those that aren’t even on the map yet. Some of you people out there no some places like that. JP, the eternal ambassador, and surf protector, has acted with the ultimate in discretion for a place already deeply seeded in the public surfing arena.

    We all know what his gilded fingertips can produce on the keyboard and it is an overdue menace to the mainstream media. Use the force and all the jedi mind tricks your power can muster to bring down the imperialist posers and there bimbos for sale bent mentalities.

    Long Live The Rebellion

  • Chum
    April 22, 2007

    If you keep your true voice, no harm can come. I also edit a blog for Nau (the environmentally/socially conscious outdoor clothing company) and I feel passionate about their vision as a company. I do continue to regularly update Sissyfish, and am not beholden to any sponsor’s whims in terms of my content.

    Good luck, JP. Keep up the great posts, wherever they may land.

  • brownfish
    April 22, 2007

    “imperialist posers and there bimbos”

    I like Bimbos.

  • Bob
    April 22, 2007

    Bimbos for sale, to boot.

  • lawless
    April 22, 2007


    Maybe I can finish 2 cups of coffee now every morning reading blogs before I even start to work…

    That was an interesting Nick Carrol article in the latest -ing. I was kinda suprised to be reading it in there but it was refreshing to see them run it.

    Stoked to see the more in depth format you’re rocking for the -ing deal. Always wondered about the story behind some of the boards you post here.

  • pushingtide
    April 22, 2007

    Keep on truckin’ JP.

  • Anonymous
    April 22, 2007

    oh gosh, don’t worry about the angry emails about your Baja trip. You are a rootsy surfer immune to that b.s. crap. Keep pumping away the stoke of surfboards and surfing.

    Maybe you don’t really understand what an important role you played and continue to play in the diverse quiver movement, but you’re so gawd damn modest and sincere in your writings, it’s hard to tell.

    There is core, there is mainstream. There will always be core, and unfortunately, there will always be mainstream. Like the old CI MTF cult blurb used to read “You know who you are.” You are core. Be proud of that until the day you die. Thanks for keeping the stoke. Carry on!

    P.S. Thanks for keeping the plurals about the ‘internets’ and what it’s all ‘abouts’. LOL

  • commentator
    April 22, 2007

    Why can’t we post comments on the Surfing Mag Blog? Are they afraid?

  • Anonymous
    April 23, 2007

    JP. Can’t wait to read it. Gonna be a rad platform for your POV.