Soul Pope

Art by Miles Thompson. Before Rob turned pro and the surf media dubbed him “Mob” Rob was known locally as “Mouse” because he was so small. Miles drew the early Mouse cartoons on all Rob’s boards shaped by Sauritch.

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  • miles
    November 13, 2006

    1 : the immaterial essence, animating principle, or actuating cause of an individual life
    2 a : the spiritual principle embodied in human beings, all rational and spiritual beings, or the universe
    3 : a person’s total self
    4 a : an active or essential part b : a moving spirit : LEADER

    dude – thanks for the props! BIG UPS YAY P! look at that board! it’s like 4’2″! what is that mini-log??? how do you do that?

    Soul Pope Power Rob!!!

  • Anonymous
    November 18, 2006

    wow, you must have really had a great insight into the mouses identity. Your expressive style is highly regarded I mean retarded. Let’s duke.. JM

  • miles
    November 19, 2006

    ah – duked!