Shadowy Men from a Shadowy Planet

Jason Hall enjoying the southern California Fall.

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  • Anonymous
    November 8, 2006

    Being an over 50 surfer & cosidering RJ’s a last hold out, being overrun @ all the “old” spots,your ego has to advertise a sacred place to some…you have a cancer

  • Anonymous
    November 8, 2006

    …chill the ham…

  • pointsurfbaja
    November 8, 2006

    What river jetties is anonymous talking about? How many are there between TJ and Oregon? ALOT!!!

    Chill out man! They won’t know, if they don’t know, unless you tell them.

    Besides it’s not like the wave is as good as “S.I.M’s”. Yeah you know RipCurl introduced us all to that place with their contest. Yeah that’s the one “Somewhere In Mexico’s”

  • Anonymous
    November 8, 2006

    I thought it was Ponto. Thanks for clearing that up.

  • warm jet
    November 8, 2006

    Nice hidaway.
    Only the shadow knows!

  • jimmysnakeoldpeople
    November 8, 2006

    Dude, Bro, anonymous, dude, man, bro, being an over 50 surfer you should try bolsa chica tower 16 it just up the road. so put down the coffee and get out there.

  • culo gigante
    November 8, 2006

    who’s working the QC department? giving J.Hall photo credit, whilst J.Hall is in the barrel? either that dude has some mad camera skills, or you got your facts wrong, JP.

  • warm jet
    November 8, 2006

    On such an important day in our history, how can surfing get one guy so postal.
    Let’s put it all in perspective.

  • J.P.
    November 8, 2006

    Okay space cadets, I don’t care where the surf spot is. Who is the surfer and who is the photog? I just work here.

  • culo gigante
    November 8, 2006

    JP, as we all know, the een-tur-nayat is a powerful tool. some can take it waaaay to serious, and others don’t. photos are also a way to share stoke on surfing, whether its self fulfilling or truly showing the beauty of the ocean. the fact of the matter is that you can’t please absolutly everyone all the time, there’s going to be some criticism on sharing photos.

    my feelings are that if the break is visible from PCH its fair game, otherwise don’t name spots, end of story. let all of the “old schoolers” say what they want, but this generation and its technology (cell phones/webcams) makes for more crowded spots, photos aren’t the big problem.

  • warm jet
    November 8, 2006

    “photos are also a way to share stoke on surfing, whether its self fulfilling or truly showing the beauty of the ocean.”
    Surfy is a great site and a place to enjoy our shared passion.
    Thanks for the visuals JP.

  • Anonymous
    November 9, 2006

    Why did you let OTF troll you?

  • miles
    November 10, 2006

    that’s me in my tub – anyone want in? too bad!