Still Carving after all these Years

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  • warm jet
    October 7, 2006

    JP, Duncan was telling me bout an 8″
    bonzer fin they occasionally use for LB’s.
    Anything down there or how would I go about it without buggin’ the workin’ Man in the shed.
    I want to give it a go in the bee I got. I love the thing in barrel but I’m having some cutback issues.

  • J.P.
    October 7, 2006

    Got the 7″ fin in there? That tail is wiiiiide.

  • warm jet
    October 7, 2006

    7″ in. mabe I’ll push it back.

  • ml
    October 8, 2006

    1st session with me bee, had the same problem…Now I use the 7″ fin set 1/4″ back from where I normally have my center fin and its all good, yo!

  • coolhand
    October 12, 2006

    take the center fin out!!!