
Happy Halloween amigos.

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  • draddy
    October 31, 2006

    rincon is MY BREAK

  • Chum
    October 31, 2006

    I know how to slash too… oooh yeah!

  • natasha kinky
    October 31, 2006

    happy halloween too, JP 🙂

  • natasha kinky
    October 31, 2006

    damn, the link is cut in half how appropriate.

    coffins for carrying boards anyone?

  • Who's Your Daddy
    October 31, 2006

    Where’s his head???? LOL

  • Doug Rail
    October 31, 2006

    Timmy finally got fed up with all the Surftech jokes….

  • reverb
    October 31, 2006

    yeah, kill those motherf..s!!
    cut cut cut


  • rob70
    October 31, 2006

    I told that kid at grandview, NO CELLPHONES in the parking lot. He didnt’ listen.

  • Sliced Pork
    October 31, 2006

    Payback for getting cut off?

    What’s the bowl for, sicko? Collecting blood?

  • Anonymous
    October 31, 2006

    ahhh I wish…

  • J.P.
    November 1, 2006

    Oh yeah, this gruesome scene brought to you by the kid from 70percent.org.

  • rob70
    November 1, 2006

    The bowl was for the dry ice which added extra spookiness. I’m serious about that kid at grandview.

    Kids, don’t call your friends from the parking lot.

  • sliced pork
    November 1, 2006

    Amen, rob70. Saw all the cell-phone people in half: at the grocery store, on the road, in the Grandview parking lot …

  • Sliced pork
    November 1, 2006

    Oh, I hope nobody misinterprets that last message.

    Was I literally suggesting that cell-phone abusers be sawed in half? Yes, I was.

  • rob70
    November 2, 2006

    Sliced, that’s going to hurt when I get down to the last one.

  • Sliced Porky
    November 2, 2006


    Perhaps it’s time to upgrade to a chain saw?

    Not long ago, I saw a photo of JP talking on a cell phone while at the beach. Should our local supercelebrity get a free pass on everything? I say we cut him up, too.

  • rob70
    November 3, 2006

    It’s ok to be on the phone if you are ordering the crew a pizza.

  • "Marco?" "Porko ..." "Marco?"
    November 3, 2006

    Fair enough, I guess.

    However, if the caller — likable blogger or not — screws up my order and includes onions, I WILL slice him into equal eighths.