1 Year of Surfy Surfy

On Oct. 21 2005 I started Surfy Surfy. The first post was this photo of my cherished friend Dale “Daily” Webster. I think he exemplifies stoke and love for surfing. Thanks to everyone who checks Surfy Surfy and especially thanks to those who take the time to post comments. In the past year Surfy Surfy has had 89,448 hits. I figured just a handful of longtime friends would check it out every once and awhile so I’m really surprised and stoked.

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  • Anonymous
    October 21, 2006

    Feliz cumpleanos, senor surfy!

  • Anonymous
    October 21, 2006

    Surfy Surfy has improved my life and
    it has made my world a better place !
    Thank You !!!

  • ML
    October 21, 2006

    Hau`oli la hanau!(Happy Birthday, yo!).

    Thanks for the daily dose of stoke, JP. Keep on Truckin’

  • miles
    October 21, 2006

    hard rock – slow roll – nonstop

    go on ahead JP with your bad self

  • Who's Your Daddy
    October 21, 2006

    Congrats JP…and thanks always for the surf boards to go along with the surf stoke!

  • Guilhem
    October 21, 2006

    One year ago, someone posted one of your fine bonzer photo on french website shaperoom.net and I’ve been visiting Surfy Surfy ever since. Very inspirational. Keep up the good work!
    By the way, Jean-Paul ST PIERRE sounds very French, doesn’t it?


  • warm jet
    October 21, 2006

    ’tis thee place to see true surf craftsmenship.
    And fun for the kids too!
    Sometimes too much fun, but you keep good order ‘Teach’!

  • Anonymous
    October 21, 2006

    Maybe Google will give you a Zillion dollars for it.

  • Hammer down & South bound!!!
    October 21, 2006

    Congratulations!!! Who knew!?
    Keep up the good work…the Internet world needs more fun web-sites like yours.

  • Patch
    October 21, 2006

    That’s rad JP! Thanks for taking the time to post pics.

  • mr. microphone
    October 22, 2006

    89,448 in one year
    thats 245.05479 hits per day
    can i buy some ad space?

  • Art Slob
    October 22, 2006

    Congrats on a year of bloggin’!

    May you have many more, JP.

  • Anonymous
    October 22, 2006

    Today was my daughters 3rd birthday party.

    We had a quest apperance from Scooby Doo.

    Scoooby Dooody Doo Surfy Surfy


  • vasco
    October 22, 2006

    thanks JP for posting everyday some stoke on to our life…

  • Anonymous
    October 22, 2006

    thanks JP fpr posting everyday some stoke on to our life…

  • Anonymous
    October 22, 2006

    Hey, today is my daughter’s b’day too, her 20th. Thanks for the daily eye-candy JP.

  • reverb
    October 22, 2006


  • yvibzh
    October 22, 2006

    yep you’re the best surfblog I know JP!!

    ‘right I dunno a lot in fact …

    en tout cas, keep up the good work!

  • guille
    October 22, 2006

    Congrats, feliz cumpleaños!!!best regards from spain. keep on with that (funny and) good work!!!

  • J.P.
    October 22, 2006

    Thanks bro bros!

  • that guy
    October 23, 2006

    Thanks for sharing the cool pics n’ the stoke with us in NZ.And the wit !

  • Festus Porkmeyer
    October 23, 2006

    The mayor has once again shown his true colors, proving he is not capable of managing our tax dollars. Stick a bug in your butt, Dalager!

  • Festus Porkmeyer
    October 23, 2006

    Oops. Wrong blog. Sorry.

  • Anonymous
    October 23, 2006

    I like this blog quite a bit, it cheers me up. Keep up the good work.

  • billy
    October 23, 2006

    oh yeah, gotta have a daily dose of internet surf stoke…

  • JHorn
    October 25, 2006

    JHorn loves the daily board porn…
    free of bad rhymes and stale lines.
    I check surfy surfy daily!
    Many thanks JP. Keep it up Yo!

  • <a href="http://courses.cvcc.vccs.edu/ENG112_GROSS/_Chat_Room/000008fd.htm">Anonimous</a>
    September 10, 2007

    Excellent website. Good work. Very useful. I will bookmark!