
Marlin Bacon writes out an order.

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  • Anonymous
    September 9, 2006

    that is one dirty carpet

  • reverb
    September 10, 2006

    …need to use a whiter the aussie ´ ones

  • Anonymous
    September 10, 2006

    That board Marlin is using as a table is one of TFAD’s and happens to be for sale. And it happans to be sprayed TAN. So take your ozzie blanks and….

  • Realeza
    September 11, 2006

    it is great to see that there is(and hopefully always will be) a market for a truly well crafted custom board.

    as someone trying to establish a name, it is always great to see others that have made it, to help keep the stoke up after facing all the bullst*t…

    thanks for the stoke, and as always keep up the stellar work.