Red Team

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  • Martin
    August 14, 2006

    Hey JP, Are these the Red Beauties?? or quads??

  • J.P.
    August 14, 2006

    Curren Red Beauties.

  • Martin
    August 14, 2006

    Have you or anyone you know surfed a Red Beauty?
    Wondering what they are like.

  • Who's Your Daddy
    August 14, 2006

    I like red boards. Thanks JP!

  • Anonymous
    August 14, 2006

    Martin, a good friend of mine just picked one up and he loves it!!!

  • Alan
    August 14, 2006

    What are the dims on the resin tinted squash tail at the top? Is that already spoken for? A real beauty!

  • J.P.
    August 14, 2006

    Sorry, that board is a custom.

  • Anonymous
    August 14, 2006

    The MC board, is that an egg a pod or what? And what are the dims please?

    Thanks in advance JP.

  • J.P.
    August 16, 2006

    The 2nd MC board is a Pod. I am notorious for not knowing the dimensions of the boards I shoot.