Machado House, Cardiff CA
My architect wifey designed and built Rob Machado’s new home overlooking Cardiff Reef. Surfing magazine ran a photo of it in the new issue so she is really stoked.
Design and Build by Yvonne St Pierre
My architect wifey designed and built Rob Machado’s new home overlooking Cardiff Reef. Surfing magazine ran a photo of it in the new issue so she is really stoked.
Design and Build by Yvonne St Pierre
August 26, 2006When you look up from Cardiff Reef, Machado’s is definitely the house with the most soul. It just fits with his vibe, and it’s a nice break from a lot of the lame residential architecture in the area. You’re wife is the real deal.
August 26, 2006Sorry, I meant “your wife,” not “you’re wife.” I hate when people mix those up.
August 26, 2006Nice house. Is that John Kies house next door or Don Hansens? Rob’s house makes it look extra lame.
August 26, 2006Amazing, beautiful, stunning !
and the house is nice too !
August 26, 2006Your wife’s design fits right into the bluff’s shape and color like it’s part of the landscape. One question, who’s idea was the board locker under the porch?
Doug Rail
August 26, 2006In Florida we’d paint that house pink or yellow.
When’s the house warming party?
Nice work Yvonne.
August 26, 2006Rob obviously needed some sort of board storage and a few ideas were kicked around but the locker storage was inspired by our home. I keep all my boards stashed under the house in a 3 foot crawlspace. Slide ’em out.
August 26, 2006care to share the combo to that lock, eh JP?
August 27, 2006Excellent work Yvonne!!.. I like the form and the attention to the view (and the board lockers are def. cool). It def. has that mellow island vibe that Rob has. Looks like she nailed it. Alohas
August 27, 2006very nice – was that from the ground up or a second story addition?
August 27, 2006cool architect wife!!!!!!
August 27, 2006i really like the big window with the 3 horizontal small windows that open in a big fix glass has canvas on top…looks better then on the drawing…
August 27, 2006i really like the big window with the 3 horizontal small windows that open with a big fix glass has a canvas on top…looks better the option built then that on the drawing…
August 27, 2006The east side looks great too and because of the way the house is oriented towards the back of the lot I can still see a slat of ocean view from my backyard office. (Newport neighbor).
August 28, 2006Beautiful asthetics, she is very talented. Rob obviously has a good sense of style to go with her.
August 28, 2006You two are a talented duo, Jp and the ol’ girl.
August 28, 2006My wife was reading that interview and commented on how she loved his house. Definately a unique aesthetic. The second-floor kitchen area definately sounds interesting.
Any idea why the city would give him a hard time for going off-grid?
Have a link to wifey’s web site?
August 28, 2006also.. that bamboo fence is cool.
Well be in town on saturday. Id love to hang out with you guys. I’ll be in touch.
August 28, 2006Seems like a nice place to kick back with a hoagie and watch the sunset.
August 30, 2006What are the dims on that puppy?
September 2, 2006Does the putting green in FroMan’s backyard have an uphill or downhill lie?
September 20, 2007Congulations to Yvonne and Natalie on a job well done. When ever you team the two them up. You get some really great architecture.
Anton Katz
January 11, 2015Back in 1994 when I spent time in San Diego, I rented one of the small properties which existed when Rob had just bought the land. I recently went back to California (first time in 18 years),I thought would go check it out. I thought this was the place given the location and remembering the surrounding neighbours houses. As much as I had some fond memories living there, this house is amazing and definitely a far better replacement than would stood before. And like other people have stated, probbaly the nicest looking hosue on the strip. I”m sure Rob is super stoked with the place