Fly Fish

Fly Van Swae custom stringer fish.

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  • reverb
    July 23, 2006

    …hmm, very good idea…
    …may be more rigid in the tail to do some maneuvers, but may be increase others aspects of the hull and the ride…

    …I think its depend on the rider…

  • Anonymous
    July 24, 2006

    I think it would make the tail more flexy than a center stringer.

  • reverb
    July 24, 2006

    …one aspect in the fish shapes is the wide 2 pin tail , and in my opinion, is more flexy than this config.

  • miles
    July 24, 2006

    this board looks so fun to surf…i made it out in Hana Maui at Koki beach last week on a 7’gun – SOOO FUN!
    then again in Lahaina on a rented 6’3″SURF BETTY

    gay i know but still fun as hell