Daily Dale

Perennial surfer Dale Webster road tripped down the California coast this week and gave us a visit to pick up his new board.

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  • rob70
    June 15, 2006

    Has he taken a day off yet?

  • J.P.
    June 15, 2006

    Nope, and he never will.

  • Chum
    June 15, 2006

    That board looks pretty short!

  • Doug Rail
    June 15, 2006

    …and a new t-shirt?

  • Anonymous
    June 16, 2006

    dude! i want a shirt

  • that guy
    June 18, 2006

    Dale, brother,you da man.I’ll roll up to the beach ,and even if it’s small hideous onshore slop, I’ll think”Dale would go”,and I’m out there.

  • CC
    June 26, 2006

    Yeah JP. Your blog is cool. Hope you got some fun waves at Beakies today … it looked like it was picking up. Where are your political rants?

  • J.P.
    June 26, 2006

    Thanks Comber, click “keep leucadia funky” in the sidebar links on the right for local political drama.

  • Tony
    June 29, 2006

    Very cool…..

    How long is the Green Bonzer???
