Surf Sacrifice

Art by Leucadian surfer Miles Thompson.

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  • 4goodcause
    April 26, 2006

    so that’s where my ex went too-

  • billybob28
    April 26, 2006

    We need it bad!

  • Anonymous
    April 26, 2006

    Thats no virgin ?

  • billy
    April 26, 2006

    that dude’s art is rad

    PS – pls remove comment moderation from the Art Slob…

  • J.P.
    April 26, 2006

    Art Slob is Go.

    Girls, they always carve out your heart and feed it to a tiki. Whattya gonna do?

  • miles
    April 27, 2006

    hey! i know that painting!

    thanks for sharing it JP! email me and i’ll let you know what celebrity it was that decided to buy this painting from La Luz de Jesus – it’s the best sale i have made yet by far! made my YEAR!

    women do cut out your heart and feed it to things don’t they – mine did anyway!

    thanks everyone for the kind words and thanks to you JP for sharing this painting…are you still webcasting your inexpensive sounds on wax?

  • J.P.
    April 27, 2006

    I haven’t done Thrift Store Radio for quite some time but I did finally get my own turntables. I’m sure your vinyl collection is out of control at this point.

    People pay cash money for art? Dats krazy!

  • miles
    April 30, 2006

    yes and no sir – my music collection HAS grown – BUT

    i have retreated furiously into MP3 cultivation – my library is ill man – so varied – (laughs)

    i need a board badly – all i have is a 9’6″ G&S – HEAVY

    turntables? microphones? i have one really heavy Thorens turntable that was working for a long time but then my space heater ate the speaker-foam’s flex capacity and now i’m soundless unless it’s from out of one of many ipods – welcome to the now now now

    nobody REALLY pays cash money for art – no no no not really – it’s PRETEND!

    STOKED! i get to go meet Zap Comix man and Juxtapoz founder Robert Williams tomorrow at his place – i am dragging him out to dinner with a couple of other PSYCH-POPPERS …NERVES!

    i can’t tell you how much i regret not taking up sign painter Joe Sosa on his offer to introduce me to R Griffin in 89 – MAN – i pussed