Big Left

This mysto sequence arrived in my inbox from a member of the Bonzer underground. He’s riding a 7’2″ Malcolm Campbell 5 fin Bonzer.

“As far as that wave is concerned — it was a fun one, but NOT my best that day. My buddy with the camera did not snap a shot of the bottom turn I laid down — yes, I bottom turned and then hooked it in the pocket — the board flies!
I actually got a stand up tube on a different left about 2 waves later, but he missed it!!”

signed–anonymous bonzer hound

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  • Anonymous
    March 31, 2006

    looks like sloat.

  • Dr. Hook
    March 31, 2006

    He has a very recognizable stance.

  • Johnny Taco
    April 1, 2006

    Beacon’s goes off I told you.

  • binky
    April 6, 2006

    I was gonna say Noriega…